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Showing posts from July, 2019

Marx on Society

The following was written for Bro. Daniel Yoder's class, Cultivating a Christian Mind . It was a philosophy class, but was vaguely renamed at some point due to the low interest level the students had in philosophy. Or so rumor has it. Regardless of the title's history, we were given a list of acceptable topics to write about for our term papers. My choice was then to write about a philosopher, and so my research on Karl Marx began. Enjoy. Everything begins with a thought. In order to place this universe in existence, God spoke. But before those words came the thoughts. God played with ideas of worlds, peoples, and what would happen on those planets. As a Creator, those thoughts spurred God on to create this small world with its human infestation. Mankind is made in the image of the Creator, which allows him to think critically and curiously about the hypothetical. Karl Marx is one of those men whom God created and who also chose to dream about an ideal world. Marx may have...

Inside, Outside, Right-side Up.

The following words were written due to an assignment in which the students were to compare secular psychology to genuine, Biblical counseling. Christians often attempt to merge atheistic, secular psychology with God's Word, and it is quite the struggle. If you don't believe that it is difficult, please review psychologists stance on sin in comparison with God's explanation.  '“We all know that something is terribly wrong with us. We are not the way we’re supposed to be, either. There is evil in the world and there is evil in each one of us.” (Koukl, 174). Humanity has something inherently wrong with it. Mankind has realized this and thus has been searching for fulfillment for centuries. The great thinkers throughout the years have studied and searched the world in attempts to find out what that problem is, where it came from, and what to do to fix it. Secular psychology claims that the answer exists, but their answers are not of one accord. There seems to be one com...


Greetings to my one reader, may you be blessed. If you exist. I would like to reward you for sticking it out, despite the lack of content. You clearly need something better to do with your life. Plans have been vaguely made, and I want to write again. Since it has been a hot minute I have written anything for public consumption, I decided to start my comeback with my class papers from Elnora Bible Institute. If that is of interest to you, I would recommend you stick this out and return at times. If you could not care less, then maybe burn this web address from your memory. These publications have been cited and it seems easiest to keep them like that. They have also been graded and notes have been made, but it seems easiest here as well to simply not  edit them. It's just you and me, kid. Here we go.