Hey y'all! so, fun *short* story....About a year ago, I last-minutely decided to go with my lovely sister, and her then-boyfriend-now-husband to New York City for a weekend mission trip with his church. Whilst I sadly did not make any new *bff for evers*, I did quite enjoy myself. Surprisingly enough, my favorite part was actually handing out the Cd/tract sets. Once you accept that people are not really rejecting you as a person, and you gain confidence, it's REALLY fun! Once we handed out all the Cd's, we got to be TOURISTS. Now, I live fifteen minutes from the Middlbury/Shipshewana area, and the tourists are the epitome of annoyance. In my humble opinion. Like I just mentioned, fifteen minutes away, so I don't tend to see many tourists regularly, but they stick out like a sore thumb. Because of such local happenings, I tend to feel extremely self-conscious when I, myself, am a tourist. Regardless of my opi...