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New York, New York.

     Hey y'all! so, fun *short* story....About a year ago, I last-minutely decided to go with my lovely sister, and her then-boyfriend-now-husband to New York City for a weekend mission trip with his church. Whilst I sadly did not make any new *bff for evers*, I did quite enjoy myself. Surprisingly enough, my favorite part was actually handing out the Cd/tract sets. Once you accept that people are not really rejecting you as a person, and you gain confidence, it's REALLY fun! Once we handed out all the Cd's, we got to be TOURISTS.

     Now, I live fifteen minutes from the Middlbury/Shipshewana area, and the tourists are the epitome of annoyance. In my humble opinion. Like I just mentioned, fifteen minutes away, so I don't tend to see many tourists regularly, but they stick out like a sore thumb. Because of such local happenings, I tend to feel extremely self-conscious when I, myself, am a tourist.

     Regardless of my opinions of these curious-type travelers, I managed to mostly get lost in the shops and sights. Figuratively. And I handled the bartering with fine-tuned skill and precision. yup! I am just that good. I kid. I made someone else do it for me. Yeah... not really my area of expertise. After our city-life adventures on Saturday, we did a church program at a mission on Sunday morning, and left soon after to return to our simple lives.

     Now, the point of this story; the weekend of Sept. 27-29, my three bestest friends in the whole world and I are venturing once again to the big city! We're going with Gospel Haven church. I'm not sure of very many of the details yet, *eeeeeek* but I know we are doing mission work again. (ba dum, psh! give the gurl a prize!) Being missionaries to the people who need Jesus. Doing what we can with what we have. Therefore, I would like to request prayer for my dearest friends and the whole group. The four of us don't really know anybody so it's a bit intimidating, but as the movie "Up" says, "Adventure is out there!". So I guess if adventure is out there, then we should be too!

     I would surmise that we are handing out the same thing we did last year. Which were acapella gospel choir Cd's which I also believe had a tract inside. It was a year ago so the details are a bit sketchy. (I did get called "baby" though! The guy reminded me of Cee Lo Green. :D) You could also pray that people would actually take time to look at what we give them, and allow it to touch them. And that they would give their lives to Jesus and that they would see how much He truly loves and cherishes them.

     I will say thank you now, for I am sure you will pray for us whilst we explore once again. In case you are wondering who these lovely traveling companions are, in order of shortest to tallest, or in order of how long I have known them, or in different categories according to hair color, or in no particular order: Maria, my longest and adorablest (yes, I make up words) friend. She has this cute giggle and I possess the ability to make her laugh, which is always a plus. She is also eight inches shorter than me so we probably look like quite the pair, but we embrace it! Then there is my Abby, She's my better half. Or we say that. At least till I have a better half, way in the future. Anywho, she has the coolest red hair and rocks it like nobody's business. She and I met through Maria when we were little. And we promptly started the "August Only Club". It only met once. Ever. That I can remember. Maria, Abby and I all have August birthday's in the same year, and if we had a club, we would have a reason to not hang out with other people. True sad story. Then there's Lizzy, she is also an August girl. She's older than all of us by two years, but we won't let that stop the epicness! When all three of us are together, we can be cray-cray or silent and serious. Or we can be wild clean partiers, or zombie out and watch a movie, but all of us still laugh and giggle during the entire duration of the movie, or much of it. And these girls rock my socks.

    So, like I brought up previously, prayers would be appreciated during the time of getting ready and actually going. It's somewhat nerve-wracking, but it will fo' shizzle be worth it. Thanks again! Ciao!


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