Dear friend, Hey! How's it going? I've heard life's a bit rough for you right now. Not that you've told me, but through a mutual close friend informed me. Don't blame that person! This letter has all the best intentions. You see, I've heard times are a bit tough, and this is probably the only chance I have to get your attention. You see, you don't really talk to me that much. I wish you would. I want to be your friend, but it seems you'd rather not be mine. That makes me a bit sad. I think you need some cheering up cause you seem a bit down in the mouth. You wanna know a secret? Here it goes; your family really loves you dear one. Even if you don't feel it, you are still being a role model and an example to them. That's right, even if you think they really don't appreciate you, they are imitating you. You might not see it, but I do. I also see you making a few choi...