Dear friend,
Hey! How's it going? I've heard life's a bit rough for you right now. Not that you've told me, but through a mutual close friend informed me. Don't blame that person! This letter has all the best intentions.
You see, I've heard times are a bit tough, and this is probably the only chance I have to get your attention. You see, you don't really talk to me that much. I wish you would. I want to be your friend, but it seems you'd rather not be mine. That makes me a bit sad. I think you need some cheering up cause you seem a bit down in the mouth.
You wanna know a secret? Here it goes; your family really loves you dear one. Even if you don't feel it, you are still being a role model and an example to them. That's right, even if you think they really don't appreciate you, they are imitating you. You might not see it, but I do.
I also see you making a few choices that make me sad. You might not realize I have made similar choices, but thanks be to God I discovered how my choices were affecting my life, and I changed. But only with His help.
I don't really think you'll read this at all or even care what I think. I may be very opinionated at times about what other people should or should not do, based on my personal convictions. I have starting trying to not be so much, and especially to you. Sorry if I have hurt you with my words or actions sometime in the past. I am going to start loving and respecting you as God wants me to. There is no try. You might make it hard for me, but I really do want to be your friend. Okay? Please let me be.
Here's another thing; I also hear you don't think you have a lot of friends. I hate to be harsh, but maybe that's somewhat your fault? You aren't the warmest and most accepting person. But that's just me talking. But you know what? As you draw closer to God you'll become a better and more perfected person. I know, I know, it's tough to have a close daily personal walk with God. But I don't think it should be. Yeah, I struggle with that. It seems like it should be so easy... Cause Jesus is suppose to be your best friend and all. But it's so stinkin' hard at times and I understand that.
I understand more than you realize. I want to be your friend. I really do! Please don't hate on me for writing this. It's out of love that I tell you these things. I want to help. It makes me sad when other people are sad and alone, and I wish to make people happy cheerful. I don't think God intended us to be sad. Yeah, life isn't always a beautiful wonderland, but we're not suppose to just sit in the mud-puddle we slipped into! God longs to help you up and wash you off. If only you would let Him. Hey, if you're tired from falling in the puddle and slipping back in, He'll even carry you if you want!!!
See, that's the cool thing about God. He likes to help you! He really wants you to cry to Him. Tell Him all about your problems.Yeah, now would be a great time to pull out the good old cliche that you need to find your identity in God, and not the people you hang out with... Another area of struggle for me. It is important! But that's not what I'm here to tell you this time.
So how about we challenge each other? See who can live the brightest for God. Not to boast for ourselves, but that we can boast in God. "So that, as it is written, 'Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.'"(1 Cor. 1:31). Here's my challenge for you today. Go find one person who seems lonely, and then befriend them! I believe dear Mark Twain had a good point when he said, "the best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer someone else up.". So go out there today. Make a friend. Tell me about it! I'd love to listen to you! Just so you know people really do care for you. Even if they don't show it and you won't accept it. Well, I have a thing for being different, so I want to be the one who shows it. Show that I'm not afraid to let myself get bruised. But I have nothing to prove. You don't have to prove anything to anyone either. But could you try? Do it for the one you love. Do it for me. Do it for yourself. But most of all, do it for God.
With God's love,
Little ol' me
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