I again welcome you to my unpretentious blog. As always, I'm hoping to start writing more to appease the masses. It might actually happen this time!
For those of you who were not previously aware, I have moved to Colorado. My parents are serving at a ministry called New Horizons; if you don't know who New Horizons is, Google it. Their term/commitment is for two years. How long I will stay out here, however, I do not know. It could be till the beginning of 2016, or I could fall in love with the area and move out here forever. It's very open.
This week we had orientation so that we can know how to better assist the ministry, but I think it was simply explaining to us how we can better live our lives. Most of their training is basic insight, specifically pertaining to the christian walk, but also just normal life. They teach you how to be a part of a team. You learn what your spiritual gifts are, and how you can potentially use them. You learn how godly authority is about serving and how to come under said authority + it is demonstrated all week. You learn how utterly important it is to see the best in people. You are taught about the importance of actually dealing with character differences and making sure you know how to live on a pile. The list can go on for a while.. Most of those things seem basic, but they need to be taught, and taught in detail, so that the church can thrive.
I'm still trying to sort out my thoughts and put them back together again so that they can be better applied to my life. I'm really excited though, cause I now have virtual arsenal of ideas to write about!
I am excited about my new life though, cause now I'm going to have a consistent schedule for work and life. While some spontaneity is occasionally enjoyed, I like to know what's going to happen and when. Yeah.. I'm working on the whole control thing.. But after the last few years of my life with my family leaving our happy little nest to start their own, I'm ready for this.
I say that, then my muscles involuntarily stiffen. I must force my shoulders to relax. It's in God's hands.
There have already been big personal prayers answered in my two weeks here, but there's still one big one I'm struggling with. While I've met welcoming people that I already love, and I can see being a first-rate friend, I don't feel like I've found "my person". You feel me? I don't know though. Maybe I have and just don't recognize it yet. I just hope that I do realize it soon.
While that sounds like a depressing note to leave this on, I'm not actually that unhappy. God created me to be the kind of person who doesn't miss people. That sounds horrible, I know. You see, I love those I left behind, but I don't have a heart-retching pain because they're gone. I realize that I can't change it and there's no point in wasted tears. I will see them again someday, so why be so terribly sad?
I am not a heartless person. Believe me. Maybe someday you too can understand the inner thoughts of a seventeen-year-old-Mennonite-girl who just moved 1200 miles away.
Psh. *Snort* Yeah. Good luck.
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