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     I'm seventeen now.
     How is it that I feel like a kid? Just a few years ago, seventeen seemed so old. Half the time I feel *mostly* grown up, and half the time I feel like a kid; one who has no idea what's going on.
     In only a few short months I'm going to graduate, then probably moving to Colorado, next comes bible school soon after, and I want to go into VS is some sort, but what then? How are we suppose to figure out life when we have hardly experienced any of it?
     I want to have these huge dreams to travel everywhere, but I also know that that's not me. I want to see the great and faraway places, but I would much rather go to the quaint, yet beautiful, places where my family lives and my heart feels content. I'm full of contradictions, but aren't we all?
     In one short week I am planning on going to Ohio, then onward to NYC for a weekend of passing out CDs and the such; and once I'm home again, I'm going to fly out to visit one of my brothers in Colorado for five days.
     But what about when I'm home again? That's when I'm again forced into thinking and figuring out what I want from life. It seems like it should be so simple, and it almost is! But then again, it's not.
     I guess there's not really an focus point of this post, except that I'm trying to figure life out while experiencing it at the same time. I suppose one must wait and learn patience, oh so much patience, while the world spins on. I think this is just my way of whispering into the wind, the thoughts of a new seventeen year old kid.


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